Saturday, March 17, 2007

Weigh In Number 11


I hit the milestone I've been working so hard to reach! 200! Actually, the very first time I weighed it came up 198.5! But went to get my camera to post a picture at Shoot The Moose, and from then on it came up 200 even. And ther's no camera on eath that weight 1 1/2 lbs. I even tried without the camera. I have a rule that if I have to weigh multiple times, the weight that comes up the most consistently wins. So there you have it.


200 lbs, 2.5 lbs lost this week, 21 lbs lost since first weigh in, best guess of overall weight loss 25 lbs!

Why get excited about still being 25 lbs overweight? For me, the number '200' is a big emotional thing. Its a dividing line between the wheezing, blubbery old man I had become and the all-around in shape dude I want to be. Getting there makes me want to try all that much harder.

My hair is also starting to look good (only a mini-mullet right now). I was actually mistaken for a woman TWICE last week!

1 comment:

Titusina Andronica said...

That's great news, congratulations!