Saturday, February 24, 2007

Weigh In Number 8

First, the measurables for this week. It's getting to be old news, but this week was pretty good again:

204 lbs, 16.5 lbs lost since first weigh in, best guess since Jan 1st: 20.5 lbs.

I'm somewhere between 1 and 3 weeks away from breaking 200. Like I've said before, that number is very important to me (although it really just marks the halfway point for my weight loss). Somewhere around 200 lbs, I'll hit a "wall", where the things I've been doing will no longer be enough to sustain weight loss. I'm not about to lower my calorie intake (I'm near the bottom that's acceptible for men), it'll be time to get serious about exercise.

Right now, I'm still just doing the minimum (treadmill, situps, pushups). When "the wall" hits, I'll have to pick up the weights. At that time, I'll have to do something counter-intuitive. I'll have to raise my calorie intake by 200 to 300 calories per day. Most of it protein. If not, I won't have the strength to properly workout.

I've done this several times before, so I can tell you I know what I'm doing :) .

The only bad news, Thursday, I met up with my brothers to go to a hockey game. They didn't notice anything. You'd think losing 15 lbs would show up in my appearance enough to be noticeable. I'm beginning to wonder if having longer hair in counterproductive. I've always thought it thinned a person's face - but maybe not.

Dang, that last paragraph looks like it could have been written by a woman. I'm a weird dude.

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